A love letter to a knockoff Louis Vuitton flip phone - The Tech Views

A love letter to a knockoff Louis Vuitton flip phone

Dear knockoff Louis Vuitton flip phone,

I’ve been looking for you. I don’t know if I'll ever find you in the US, but I want to believe. I want to imagine that one day I could take your gold-plated body out to the clubs in Brooklyn and show you off. I know everyone would be jealous. I want to flip you open during a tense exchange with a friend and walk off pretending like I got a phone call. My friend would wish she had a flip phone for effect, too.

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A love letter to a knockoff Louis Vuitton flip phone
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A love letter to a knockoff Louis Vuitton flip phone A love letter to a knockoff Louis Vuitton flip phone Reviewed by Unknown on 5:10 PM Rating: 5

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