The glorious Galaxy Note 7 is what happens when a company isn't afraid to go crazy - The Tech Views

The glorious Galaxy Note 7 is what happens when a company isn't afraid to go crazy

Galaxy Note 7 reviews have hit the internet this week and the consensus among them is that it might be the best designed smartphone ever. Today I got my hands on this precious new device, and my skepticism has quickly morphed into geeky reverence for the sheer brilliance, unfailing symmetry, and outrageous efficiency of the Note 7's design. And what also strikes me is how far back you have to go to find the roots of its creation.

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The glorious Galaxy Note 7 is what happens when a company isn't afraid to go crazy
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The glorious Galaxy Note 7 is what happens when a company isn't afraid to go crazy The glorious Galaxy Note 7 is what happens when a company isn't afraid to go crazy Reviewed by Unknown on 11:00 AM Rating: 5

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